Nothing Is So Beautiful As Spring

Qingdao Sail Rigging Co., Ltd

Nothing is so beautiful as Spring.

When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;

thrush’s eggs look little low heavens,

and thrush through the echoing timber,

does so rinse and wring.

The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing;

The glassy peartree leaves and blooms,

they brush the descending blue;

that blue is all in a rush with rishness;

the racing lambs too have fair their fling.

What is all this juice and all this joy?

A strain of the earth’s sweet being

in the beginning in Eden garden.

Have, get, before it coloy,

before it cloud, christ, lord,

and sour with sinning,

Innocent mind and Mayday

in girl and boy,

Most, O maid’s child, they choice and

worthy the winning.

———–By  Gerard Manley Hopkins


March is a beautiful month, flowers and grass grow, everything is new. It’s new for Sail Rigging, Wish we will make big progress and big sell in this beautiful month.

March Expo 2024 is coming, best price and free samples are for you.

Do you have any plan to purchase rigging & lifting hardware or expand your business?

Contact Sail Rigging if you have any interest.



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